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A new HokieBird joins two old favorites on the Quillen Spirit Plaza

Big bronze HokieBird on the Quillen Spirit Plaza in front of Dietrick Hall with students in outdoor seating
Posted over 1 year ago  in Virginia Tech News.

When the Virginia Tech community gathers next Friday evening for the dedication and first pep rally at the Quillen Spirit Plaza, three HokieBird statues will be looking on and waiting for the photos to begin.

The 10-foot, 1-ton bronze HokieBird that stood in Cassell Coliseum since 2006 has taken its new place on the east side of the plaza. The 5-foot "Spirit of Tech" HokieBird, which was part of Squires Student Center for 16 years, will stand in a portico on the west side. A new 5-foot HokieBird statue called "This is Home" will take its position at the entrance to Dietrick Hall.

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